This Year

 I have never made a serious commitment/goal list at the beginning of the year. I think January 1st always sort of crept up on me. Well, that’s changing because as cliche as it might be, it’s actually a really good idea. Originally I had planned on reading the Bible in a year, way back in November. And I didn’t forget. I’m reading in Genesis, Psalms, Proverbs, and Matthew every day. I’m also reading large chunks of Mark every day for school. I’ve missed out on so much all those years of not reading the Bible for myself, or only reading the “fun stuff” over and over again. (Ruth, 1 Samuel, Esther — did anyone else do that when they were younger?) In 2015, I ventured out and read all of Isaiah, and almost all of Jeremiah (I have 2 chapters left to read!). I learned so much about God’s character. About His amazing love for His children, the descendants of Abraham, who’s inheritance we are now part of because of our amazing Savior. Even through their rebellion against Him, their preference for false gods to provide for and save them, His mercy was still abundant, and His love starkingly apparent. God’s love is something that deeply moves me, to tears even sometimes. I can’t imagine how people can live without accepting it, and cherishing it for their own, and giving their own love back to Him. 

Well, here is my list. I hope you enjoy looking through it, and that you’re inspired to make your own!

This year I want to:

  1. Read through the entire Bible
  2. Pray consistently, thoughtfully, and Biblically 
  3. Do a Bible/devotional/book study on prayer 
  4. Memorize at least 5 chunks of scripture 
  5. Read at least 10 theological, non fiction books (I started Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis this week.)
  6. Read at least 5 classical fiction books (Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë is the first mountain-of-a-book I’m scaling. See what I did there?) 
  7. Write more blog posts, at least one a week
  8. Finish the first draft of my three-part novel (Wishful thinking? Maybe.) 
  9. Draw at least 3 times a week
  10. Learn more watercolor techniques 
  11. Practice piano consistently, learn at least 5 new songs
  12. Learn how to play my violin, practice consistently 
  13. Organize my room, keep it clean
  14. Crochet more
  15. Start a home business
  16. Make all natural (organic?) mascara, eyeshadow, and lipstick 
  17. Drink more water (I have no problem drinking tea and coffee, but boy do I need to drink more water!)
  18. Eat less sugar (I already eliminated one thing from my diet last year, which was gluten. I think I can get rid of the little bit of sugar remaining in my diet.)
  19. Eat more “On Plan” THM meals
  20. Stretch and exercise every week 

I’m pretty excited for this year overall! I’m excited about all these goals, about school, about church. I hope you have a positive outlook on this year as well. If not, pray about it! 

10 thoughts on “This Year

  1. This was so fun to read, Abbie! 😀
    I too made a decision to read my Bible for New Years a couple of years ago. I read a chapter a day, and it took me about 3 years. But it was worth it. I’m reading through all the best parts again, and writing down the best verses, and memorizing some of them. I wish you the best of luck with your reading.
    “Mere Christianity?!” I haven’t read that one yet… maybe someday I will. I heard that it’s a very ‘weighty’ book. Let me suggest ‘The Screwtape Letters’, by C.S. Lewis as well. I have read that one, and it’s shorter, and quite interesting. 🙂
    You’re going to start a home business?! What are you going to sell? I’m going to be starting up my Etsy account later this month. I’m always making crafts and things, I figured I might as well get profit for doing the things I love. 🙂
    I always love reading your posts. 🙂 I hope you had a good new year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you so much! 😊

      I’m going to try and read “The Screwtape Letters” this year too. In fact, when I wrote theological books I had mostly C. S. Lewis books on my mind.

      I want to sell drawings and crocheted stuff, and maybe later on some hand sewn things. I’m not sure if I’ll be going through Etsy though. 😉

      Thanks again! I love hearing from you! 😃


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